Legal notice

Responsibility of headquarters

Article 2 Order EIT/842/2012, of 18 april, creating the electronic site in the ministry of industry, energy and tourism (now ministry of industry and tourism) provides:

  • (D), the ownership of the electronic headquarters will be up to the Department of industry, energy and tourism (now ministry of industry and tourism).
  • (E), the management of headquarters will be the responsibility of the Department of industry, energy and tourism (now ministry of industry and tourism), which will exercise it through the subdirectorate General of information and Communications.
  • (F), will be responsible for the contents and services available to citizens at headquarters holders of higher and directors of the Ministry of industry, energy and tourism (now ministry of industry and tourism) and, where appropriate, public agencies that are incorporated to headquarters. The responsibility will be matched with the powers that each of the holders have attributed by the legislation in force.

Article 38 of the law 40/2015, of 1 october, from The Legal Regime of the public Sector:

  • The establishment of an electronic headquarters entails the responsibility of the holder with regard to the integrity, accuracy and updating of information and services that may be accessed via the same.
  • Each Public Administration will determine the conditions and instruments for creating electronic headquarters, subject to the principles of transparency, disclosure, liability, quality, security, availability, accessibility, neutrality and interoperability. In any event, must be ensured the identification of the Body of the holder headquarters, as well as the means available to the formulation of suggestions and complaints.
  • Electronic headquarters systems will have to ensure the establishment of secure communications, where necessary.

In this regard the electronic site via a link will, when left headquarters.

Privacy and data protection

Since thenext pageyou can access to information about your privacy very seriously.

Intellectual and industrial property

The design of headquarters and its source code, logos, trademarks and other distinctive signs apearing in the same belonging to the ministry of industry and tourism or their bodies dependent, and are protected by the corresponding intellectual.

It prohibited the total or partial reproduction of the contents of the website without mentioning its origin or asking for authorisation.

In order to maintain an up-to-date information published at headquarters, the contents its contents may be amended, awards, removed or added at any time, so that it would be desirable to check the validity and accuracy of the same look to the official sources.

The Ministry is not responsible for the replies made through the different email addresses contained in these pages, except within the department. The information obtained post boxes contained in these pages is merely informative in nature, and in no event may flow from it any binding legal effect (Royal Decree 208/1996, item 4 (b. BOE n. 55 of 4/3/1996).

Terms of use for the reuse of data

According to article 8 of act no. 18/2015, of 9 july, amending act 37/2007 of 16 november, on re-use of public sector information, will apply the following general conditions for all those data sets provided under section Open Database:

  1. That the content, including their metadata, not be altered.
  2. That does not hinder the meaning of the information.
  3. The source is acknowledged.
  4. To mention the date of the last update.
  5. When information contains data on a personal nature, purpose or specific purposes for which it is possible to reuse future of the data.
  6. When information, despite being provided in a separate, contain sufficient elements which may permit the identification of stakeholders in the process of re-use, the prohibition to reverse the procedure of disassociation with the addition of new data from other sources.

Measures of protection against abuse or friendly.

The ministry of industry and tourism reserves the right to make technical changes at headquarters, without prior notice, with the purpose of preserving its availability to any abusive use robotic or access.