
The purpose of reuse is the use of documents that are on file with the administrations and agencies of the public sector, by individuals or legal entities, for commercial or noncommercial purposes, provided that such use does not constitute a public administrative activity.

These purposes are defined by the act 37/2007, which transposes directive 2003/98/ec of reuse of public sector information and also in the law 18/2015, of 9 july, amending act 37/2007. This Act 37/2007, is developed at the same time, by royal decree 1495/2011 in order to elaborate on the field of public sector its provisions, to promote and facilitate the provision of public sector information.

In this way:
  1. Can i get a new uses both commercial and generating a value to society.
  2. Are made available to public data transparently clear and non-discriminatory manner to facilitate economic growth and employment.
  3. Facilitate interoperability between public administrations to give greater service to citizens if you need to use their data.
  4. It promotes the organization and classification of the available data which facilitates their utilization.

The reuse of the information is also subject to a number general conditions such as the prohibition of the content is distorted, i.e., to be distorted or misrepresented.


Directive 2003/98/ec [PDF] [134,83 KB]of 17 november, on re-use of public sector information.

Law 37/2007of 16 november, on re-use of public sector information.

Royal Decree 1495/2011of 24 october, which develops law 37/2007 of 16 november, on re-use of public sector information, on the field of public sector.

Plan RISP momentum of the ministry of industry, energy and tourism 2012-2013 [PDF] [562 KB]on 1 november 2013.

Directive 2013/37/EU of the european parliament and council [PDF] [1.021,20 KB]of 26 june 2013 amending directive 2003/98/ec concerning the reuse of public sector information.

Law 18/2015of 9 july, amending act 37/2007 of 16 november, on reuse of public sector information.

List of data

Accesslist of data.