Electronic seal of the ministry

Electronic seals are a system of electronic signature to authenticate allows automated administrative action, as defined in law 39/2015, of 1 october, of Common Administrative Procedure of the public administrations, electronic access of citizens to public services. They are based on an electronic certificate which fulfils the requirements of the electronic signature legislation.

In this case the author is not a natural person, but a specialized agency or the unit of Administration.

The certificates of stamps are electronic certificates, as provided for in articles 11 to 14 of the law 59/2003 of 19 december, for electronic signature, issued by a lender to fulfil its obligations under article 20 of that law 59/2003, and valid for automated administrative activity in accordance with article 42 of act no. 40 of 2015.

The general technical characteristics of signature and certificates applicable to electronic seals are those arising from theNational Interoperabilityadopted by royal decree 4/2010, of 8 january, and electronic signatures and certificates of the General state administration.

The validation service for the verification of certificates of seal VALIDATE electronic record shall be accessible from theElectronic.

Electronic seals of the ministry

Ministry of industry and tourism

It is stamp used to the signing of the high and low public employees and referrals of authentication in electronic procedures of the ministry to the system Cl@ve, amongst other uses.


Department of industry and tourism.


Resolution of 6 may 2024, by the under-secretary for industry and tourism, regulating the electronic certification services and electronic seals in the ministry industry and tourism.

Text of the Resolution of 6 may 2024 [PDF] [94.7 kB]

Service provider of certification:

Firmaprofesional S.A.