Electronic signature

The Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014, of 23 july 2014, concerning the electronic identification and confidence in electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing directive 1999/93/EC; defines the various types of electronic signature in its article 3:

  1. Electronic signature”, the data in electronic form annexed to other electronic data or logically associated with them to use the signatory for the purpose of signing;
  2. Advanced electronic signature”, an electronic signature that satisfies the requirements set out in article 26;
  3. Qualified electronic signature”, an advanced electronic signature created by a qualified, creation of electronic signatures and that is based on a qualified certificate of electronic signature.

In addition, the requirements of advanced electronic signature defined in its article 26:

  • be linked to the signatory singly;
  • enabling the identification of the signatory;
  • to have been created using data of creating an electronic signature that the author can, with a high level of confidence, within its exclusive control, and
  • be linked with signed data for the same way as to any modification thereof is detectable.

Therefore, an electronic signature will enable the sender and the receiver of information or content that is identified with the certainty that only they interact. This ensures that the content is not changed, there has been intercepted during the communication, and that they cannot both repudiate information previously received and accepted.

Access also to the information published at headquarters concerning the ElectronicElectronic service providers of confidence.
