

Aid for the development of innovative projects with models, systems and components and hybrid vehicles, electric vehicles from batteries and on hydrogen fuel cell.

Direct for project grants for I+D+i, or investment in SMES develop models, systems and components and hybrid electric vehicles from batteries and on hydrogen fuel cell, excluding related lead batteries, made by entities with legal personality and are not part of the public sector.

Through this aid is to promote implementation of the proceedings in relation to the development of the ecosystem to the manufacture of electric vehicles and connected and achieving their goals to be precise, including, wherever possible, the correct execution of funds, allocated in this area.

In particular

  • for industrial research, development and pilot projects in the field of organization and will be fundable processes personnel costs, equipment and materials, research, expertise and patents acquired or obtained by license from external sources in conditions of full competition and overheads.
  • and for investment projects executed by smes, will be the costs of bankable investment in tangible or intangible assets, including timely amortizables costs not directly linked to investment and to the initial installation of investment and salary costs as estimated relating to the employment created directly by the investment project, calculated over a period of two years.
Access Mode
Digital Certificate
Management Centre
Comisionado Especial para el PERTE para el desarrollo de un ecosistema para la fabricación del vehículo eléctrico y conectado (VEC) - EA0051070
Directorate General
Oficina Técnica del Comisionado para el PERTE VEC
Management unit
Oficina Técnica del Comisionado para el PERTE VEC
Subsidies, Grants and Awards


Royal Decree 661/2023, of 18 july, which regulates the direct aid in 2023 for development of innovative projects with models, systems and components and hybrid vehicles, electric vehicles from batteries and on hydrogen fuel cell to advance the process of decarbonisation and maintain the competitiveness of the ecosystem.

Access procedure

Digital Certificate

Access to the Application procedure.

Provision of additional documentation in procedures subsequent to the Application.

Support information for all access modes

Models for the documentation to be presented to the request of assistance:

Guide of proceedings [PDF] [2104 KB]

Model describing the draft Report

Descriptive memory model of the project (Smes)

Model budget [XLSX]

Model responsible Statements

Additional information

Contact:  Official mailbox

Management Information System Procedures

S.I.A. Code: 3026225
Aid for the development of innovative projects related to models, systems and components of hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles with batteries and hydrogen fuel cells

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