Detail of Electronic Procedures

The request for reversal of an expropriation is the right to expropriated or their successors to recover all or the remainder of the expropriated, if not execute the work or service not established that motivated the expropriation, as well as the pre-encumbrance desapareciere if, by paying compensation.
Access Mode
Digital Certificate Cl@ve
Management Centre
Under Secretariat for Industry and Tourism - E05034701
Directorate General
General Secretary Tecnica
Management unit
S.G. resources, Claims and Relations with the administration of justice
Appeals and Claims

Submission of applications

Term of the proceedings
Continuing, since 10/2/2015In time


Act of 16 december 1954 (BOE 17/12/1954)

on expropriation.

Decree of 26 april 1957 (BOE 20/06/1957)

by approving the regulations of the law of Expropriation.

Access procedure

Digital Certificate

Submission of Claims

Access to the procedure with Digital Certificate

Proceedings in existing Claims

Cure of formal deficiencies

Request for change in management or data relating to effects of notification

Submission of claims

Consultation of files


Submission Of Claims

Access to the procedure with Digital Certificate

Proceedings in existing Claims

Cure of formal deficiencies

Request for change in management or data relating to effects of notification

Submission of claims

Consultation of files

Additional information

Information on the procedure [PDF] [102 KB]

Reporting form

Management Information System Procedures

S.I.A. Code: 220331
Authorization for establishing and running - casinos.

Información sobre tratamientos de Datos de Carácter Personal

S.I.A. Code: 220331

Información básica de Protección de Datos

Responsable del Tratamiento - 1º Nivel
Subsecretaría de Industria y Turismo
Finalidad del Tratamiento
Resolución y notificación de los recursos y reclamaciones
Base Jurídica del Tratamiento
Ley 39/2015,art. 106 a 126
Información adicional y derechos
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