Calendar and official time

As publishes the national Interoperability synchronization of the date and time shall be conducted with the Royal Institute and navy Observatory, as envisaged in the hour legal in royal decree 1308/1992 of 23 october, which declares to the laboratory of the royal institute and navy Observatory, as depositary of laboratory national pattern of time and laboratory Spanish associated to the centre of Metrology and, where possible, with the official time at european level.

Date and time

Link to the navy observatory

Calendar of days in the area of the General state administration

Article 30.7 of law 39/2015, of 1 october, of Common Administrative Procedure of the public authoritiesstates that the General state administration and the administrations of the autonomous communities, subject to the official calendar, set in their respective Area, the schedule of days for the purposes of counting of deadlines.

In accordance with article 33 of law 39/2015, of 1 october, the declaration of one day a skilful or permanently available for the purposes of counting of deadlines are not alone determines the functioning of the workplace of the public administrations, the organisation of working time or citizens' access to records.

Calendar of days for the purposes of counting of timelines for 2023.

Calendar of days for the purposes of counting time frames for the year 2024.