Instructions to the publication of applications developed on RISP data

For the publication of applications, you should use the formParticipates and assistsincluding your name and surname or legal entity.

It should also provide us with on a mandatory your email to confirm the receipt of your information to contact you if necessary to clarify information received.

Shall elaborate, please, please click the “ what is your proposal and suggestions? ” the following information on the new application that requested to publish:

  • Title of the implementation
  • Url of access to the application
  • Author
  • Url of the licence where described the conditions of use of the same
  • Url of the image of the implementation, if any
  • Description of the implementation
  • Available platforms (Android, IOS, Windows, Mac OS, etc.)

Please note that, as detailed in section ofmodalities for reuse, applications make use of data in the framework of the initiative, should mention RISP the source of data, in this case, the ministry for the Ecological Transition and the demographic challenge and also to exempt from any responsibility for the submission of information on the same in the application. Without these two references are not may issue any implementation in the sectionapplications developedthis portal.

Data protection:

It was reported that the requested data will be treated with the appropriate security measures in accordance with article 9 of the organic law 15/1999 of 13 december on the protection of Personal data and title VIII of the royal decree 1720/2007 of 21 december, approving the regulations issued under the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 december on the protection of Personal data. It will ensure the confidentiality of data and not be communicated to third parties except in cases necessary to manage the services provided through this electronic as well as the accomplishments in the current regulation. The user persons have the right to access, rectification, cancellation and opposition regarding your data, by contacting, in the form legally provided Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the demographic challenge, Paseo de la Castellana 160, C.P. 28046 Madrid, spain.