Detail of Electronic Procedures

Innovative Business groupings
Access Mode
Digital Certificate By file codeProcedure access
Management Centre
State Secretariat for Industry - E04934403
Directorate General
Overall Direccion industry and small and medium enterprises
Management unit
S.G. Digitization industry and Collaborative Environments
Subsidies, Grants and Awards


Order ICT/474/2002 of 20 may, (BOE 27/05/2002) of the ICT/1117/2021, of 9 october, establishing the regulatory basis for aid of support for Innovative Business Groupings aimed at improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises and we shall now proceed to the call for the year 2021, within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.

Order ICT/1117/2021, on 9 october (BOE 15/10/2021) establishes regulatory bases of aid to support Innovative Business Groupings aimed at improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises and we shall now proceed to the call for the year 2021, within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.

Access procedure

Digital Certificate

Access to the procedure with digital certificate: consult the file.

Access to the procedure with digital certificate: sending documentation.

By file codeProcedure access

Support information for all access modes

Access to the Portal of Aid

Additional information

Contacts to the queries

Management Information System Procedures

S.I.A. Code: 991161
National programme for Innovative Business Groupings Networks (AEI)

Información sobre tratamientos de Datos de Carácter Personal

S.I.A. Code: 991161

Información básica de Protección de Datos

Responsable del Tratamiento - 1º Nivel
Secretaría de Estado de Industria
Finalidad del Tratamiento
Apoyar con recursos públicos las estrategias de innovación y competitividad empresarial desarrolladas por parte de las Agrupaciones Empresariales Innovadoras (AEI) que se reconozcan como tales como consecuencia de inscripción en el Registro Especial(AEI)
Base Jurídica del Tratamiento
Orden ICT/474/2022 y Orden ICT/1117/2021
Información adicional y derechos
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