

Clearing the increasing cost of natural gas from 1 february 2002 on the operations of the industrial facilities of the high consumption of natural gas in the scope of the areas of the annex to the Real Decreto-ley 20/2002 of 27 december.

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State Secretariat for Industry - E04934403
Directorate General
Overall Direccion industry and small and medium enterprises
Management unit
S. of Sectoral Policies Industrial
Subsidies, Grants and Awards


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Aid line to compensate for additional costs due to the exceptional increase in natural gas prices.

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Information on treatment of Personal data

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The personal Level - 1
State secretariat for industry
Goal of treatment

Data collection at the national level on inspections, maintenance, breakdowns and accidents of elevators, considering the provisions of the Royal Decree 355/2024, of 2 april, which approves the Supplementary Technical Instruction ITC AEM 1 "Lifts ’. This law regulates the commissioning, modification, maintenance and inspection of the lifts, as well as promoting the safety of existing elevator park. Such data will serve to assess the effectiveness of security measures implemented and to identify areas for improvement in the legislation, as well as in the management and operation of the lifts in the entire national territory.

Legal basis for the Treatment
Royal Decree 355/2024, of 2 april, which approves the Supplementary Technical Instruction ITC AEM 1 "Lifts ’, which regulates the commissioning, modification, maintenance and inspection of the lifts, as well as the safety of existing elevator park
Additional information and rights
Additional information is available and on the exercise of their rights in:https ://