Detail of Electronic Procedures


Granting aid may seek to projects that promote the digitization of the members of the network of Intelligent Tourist Destinations (hereinafter, Red DTI) thanks to the development and deployment of technologies in destinations within the framework of the recovery Plan for recovery, transformation and Resilience (hereinafter recovery Plan) of the government of spain and the plan of digitizing 2021-2025 public administrations.

Access Mode
Digital Certificate
Management Centre
Secretary of State for Tourism - E05030901
Directorate General
General Directorate of Tourism Policies
Management unit
Tourism Cooperation and Competitiveness Division


Order ICT/1527/2021 of 30 december, approving the regulatory basis for the aid programme for the digital transformation and modernization of local entities that make up the network of Tourist Destinations, Intelligent and call for the year 2021, within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.

Order ICT/414/2022 of 9 may, amending the orders ICT/1519/2021, ICT/1527/2021 and ICT/1528/2021, of 30 december, which were adopted regulatory bases of grants and subsidies for tourists and 2021 convene, within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.

Excerpt from the order ICT/1527/2021 of 30 december, approving the regulatory basis for the aid programme for the digital transformation and modernization of local entities that make up the network of Tourist Destinations, Intelligent and call for the year 2021, within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.

Support information for all access modes

See in the Aid Portal all information about modes of access.

Additional information

More information on the Portal of Aid.

Management Information System Procedures

S.I.A. Code: 2841271
Grants for the digital transformation and modernization of local entities that are part of the Network of Smart Tourist Destinations, and its call for the 2021 financial year is made, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Pla

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