

Special programme plans of Sustainability in Tourism Destinations, the main instrument of government intervention spanish tourism, in order to foster the transformation of the spanish tourist destinations towards sustainability.

Funded with the recovery Plan, transformation and's Resilience Against Crises (PRTR).

Deadline for submission since 1 february to 6 march 2023 at 14:00 p.m. (local time española, 13:00 hours in the canary islands)

Access Mode
Open access
Management Centre
Secretary of State for Tourism - E05030901
Directorate General
General Directorate of Tourism Policies
Management unit
S.G. of Tourist Development and sustainability

Submission of applications

Term of the proceedings
Dimensioning, since 2/1/2023 to 3/6/2023Out of time


Sustainability strategy in Tourist Destinations (revised version january 2023) [PDF] [6.37 MB]

Access procedure

Open access

Access to the procedure

Support information for all access modes

PSTD 2023 Extraordinary Call Form GUIDE [PDF] [1609 KB]

FAQ Extraordinary Call PSTD 2023 [PDF] [1750 KB]

Practical Guide to Climate Labels and DNSH Feb2023 [PDF] [1766 KB]

DNSH Guide C14.I1 2024 [PDF] [1117 KB]

DNSH Guide Annex COM Guide Template [DOCX] [95 KB]

DNSH Guide Annex MITERD Guide Template [DOCX] [98 KB]

Additional information

For queries or concerns relating to the content of the special Programme plans of Sustainability in Tourism Destinations may

In case of some importance be given at the completion of the requests please contact the Virtual Office, explaining the problem and attaching, depending on the case, the screens of error.

Management Information System Procedures

S.I.A. Code: 2351886
Plans of Sustainability in Tourism Destinations

Help us improve. If you wish, you can complete this quality survey of our services.

Information on treatment of Personal data

Basic information data protection

The personal Level - 1
State secretariat for industry
Goal of treatment

Data collection at the national level on inspections, maintenance, breakdowns and accidents of elevators, considering the provisions of the Royal Decree 355/2024, of 2 april, which approves the Supplementary Technical Instruction ITC AEM 1 "Lifts ’. This law regulates the commissioning, modification, maintenance and inspection of the lifts, as well as promoting the safety of existing elevator park. Such data will serve to assess the effectiveness of security measures implemented and to identify areas for improvement in the legislation, as well as in the management and operation of the lifts in the entire national territory.

Legal basis for the Treatment
Royal Decree 355/2024, of 2 april, which approves the Supplementary Technical Instruction ITC AEM 1 "Lifts ’, which regulates the commissioning, modification, maintenance and inspection of the lifts, as well as the safety of existing elevator park
Additional information and rights
Additional information is available and on the exercise of their rights in:https ://