Detail of Electronic Procedures


Instrument aimed to companies and individuals whose activity fits into a CNAE in the tourism sector, which still domiciled anywhere in Spain, and formalize operations in the line "ICO companies and Entrepreneurs" need to demonstrate the requirement of existence of credits without charge exceeding €5,000 with group companies Thomas Cook within any insolvency proceedings opened in relation to the group by the competent courts.

Access Mode
Digital Certificate
Management Centre
Secretary of State for Tourism - E05030901
Directorate General
General Directorate of Tourism Policies
Management unit
Tourism Cooperation and Competitiveness Division
Appeals and Claims


Right Decreto-ley 12/2019, 11 October (BOE 12/12/2019)

that urgent measures are taken to alleviate the effects of the opening of insolvency proceedings of the business group Thomas Cook.

Agreement that sets out the terms and conditions of the line of financing [PDF] [3206 KB] to meet those affected by the insolvency of the business group Thomas Cook within the scope of the royal Decreto-Ley 12/2019, 11 October 2019.

Access procedure

Digital Certificate

Management Information System Procedures

S.I.A. Code: 2241154
Procedure eligibility certification loans ICO companies and Entrepreneurs ARE guaranteed by tourism (Thomas Cook)

Información sobre tratamientos de Datos de Carácter Personal

S.I.A. Code: 2241154

Información básica de Protección de Datos

Responsable del Tratamiento - 1º Nivel
Secretaría de Estado de Turismo
Finalidad del Tratamiento
Procedimiento por el cual las empresas interesadas en solicitar financiación en el marco del subtramo de la Línea ICO Empresas y Emprendedores garantizado por la Secretaría de Estado de Turismo, acreditan ante ésta su condición de acreedores con empresas
Base Jurídica del Tratamiento
Real Decreto-ley 12/2019, de 11 de octubre
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