Detail of Electronic Procedures

With the awarding of prizes nationals of the fashion industry seeks to distinguish those persons and entities that have made the fashion industry an essential element in the development of its strategy professional and business growth.

It also seeks to honour professionals who have contributed significantly to increase the prestige of Spanish design and entities that principle in its business strategy, have shown that the design is a powerful lever of innovation and competitiveness.
Access Mode
Digital Certificate
Management Centre
State Secretariat for Industry - E04934403
Directorate General
Overall Direccion industry and small and medium enterprises
Management unit
S.G. de Areas and Industrial Programs
Subsidies, Grants and Awards


Order ICT/879/2018, 3 August (BOE 20/08/2018)

by approving the rules for awarding of prizes Nationals of fashion and takes place the convening of its 5th edition

Command ICT/1041/2019, 1 October (BOE 19/10/2019)

by calling the sixth edition of the National Awards of the fashion industry

Access procedure

Digital Certificate
Access to the procedure with digital certificate.

Additional information

Website National Awards of the fashion industry

Management Information System Procedures

S.I.A. Code: 202092
National Awards fashion

Información sobre tratamientos de Datos de Carácter Personal

S.I.A. Code: 202092

Información básica de Protección de Datos

Responsable del Tratamiento - 1º Nivel
Secretaría de Estado de Industria
Finalidad del Tratamiento

Con la concesión de los Premios Nacionales de la Industria de la Moda se pretende distinguir a aquellas personas y entidades que han hecho de la industria de la moda un elemento indispensable en el desarrollo de su estrategia profesional y de su crecimiento empresarial. 

Base Jurídica del Tratamiento
RGPD: art. 6.1.c) Legitimación por cumplimiento de una obligación legal,Orden ICT/879/2018, de 3 de agosto
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