Detail of Electronic Procedures


Financial support for industrial investment through the granting of long-term loans, which will be provided through two different lines of action: a) programme of reindustrialization: financed the proceedings of creation, expansion and/or transfer of establishments industriales. b) Program to promote industrial competitiveness: support implementation of the plans to improve the competitiveness of industrial enterprises.

Access Mode
Digital Certificate Cl@ve
Management Centre
State Secretariat for Industry - E04934403
Directorate General
Overall Direccion industry and small and medium enterprises
Management unit
S. of Sectoral Policies Industrial
Subsidies, Grants and Awards


Command IET/611/2013, 11 April (BOE 16/04/2013)

setting the foundations for the granting of financial support for industrial investment in the framework of public policy and reindustrialisation-industrial competitiveness.

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Management Information System Procedures

S.I.A. Code: 201318
Financial support for industrial investment in the framework of public policy reindustrialisation projects and building Industrial Competitiveness

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