Detail of Electronic Procedures


Requests for the selection of destinations in the selection process of industrial engineers of the state.

Access Mode
Digital Certificate
Management Centre
Under Secretariat for Industry and Tourism - E05034701
Directorate General
Management unit
S.G. planning and Management of Human Resources
Provision of posts

Submission of applications

Term of the proceedings
Continuing, since 11/30/2020In time


Resolution made public the relationship of civil servants in practices that have passed the course selective

the body OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS OF THE STATE (0700) who had pierced the selective application of the current selection process for the epo 2019, convened by decision of 30 november 2020 (BOE of 04/12/2020), and to offer vacant posts for the election of its initial destinations.


Access procedure

Digital Certificate

Access to the procedure with digital certificate

Document to be filled and attach to the request:

Request Destination model (Annex III) [DOCX] [128 KB]

Additional information

Request for information by e-mail:

Management Information System Procedures

S.I.A. Code: 202935

Información sobre tratamientos de Datos de Carácter Personal

S.I.A. Code: 202935

Información básica de Protección de Datos

Responsable del Tratamiento - 1º Nivel
Subsecretaría de Industria y Turismo
Finalidad del Tratamiento

Obtención de la nómina y gestión de la seguridad social del personal, permisos y vacaciones, acción social, procesos selectivos de personal, concursos, control horario y formación.

Base Jurídica del Tratamiento
RD 998/2018
Información adicional y derechos
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