You can consult the list of national providers of electronic services through the following links:
The Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014 of the european parliament and of the council of 23 july 2014on the electronic identification and confidence to electronic transactions in the internal market and on the repeal of directive 1999/93/ec lays down that there are two types of certification services provider, qualified and confidence.
The definitions of article 3 applied in the rules of procedure relating to service providers are as follows:
- 'trusted service», Electronic service usually provided for a fee, consisting of:
- the creation, verification and validation of electronic signatures, electronic seals or stamps electronic time, electronic delivery certified and certificates relating to these services, or
- the creation, verification and validation of certificates for authentication of websites, or
- the preservation of signature, seal or electronic certificates relating to these services;
- 'service qualified trust», Reliable service that meets the requirements prescribed in the rules of procedure;
- 'service provider of confidence», A natural or legal person who provides one or more services of confidence, as well as certification service provider, or as unskilled service of confidence.
- 'service provider of confidence», A certification service provider provides confidence that one or several services of qualified and the confidence that the supervisory authority has granted qualification.