Detail of Electronic Procedures


The programme support for the deployment of technology platforms and digital solutions in the locations of the network of Tourist Destinations Intelligent, whose aim is to finance development and deployment of intelligent platforms of destination and/or optional reference modules within the existing platforms as well as the interconnection and integration of different platforms and solutions with the state platform that will shape the central node of the Intelligent Platform stations (PID) in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.

Access Mode
Management Centre
Secretary of State for Tourism - E05030901
Directorate General
General Directorate of Tourism Policies
Management unit
S.G. of Tourist Development and sustainability
Subsidies, Grants and Awards

Submission of applications

Term of the proceedings
Continuing, since 6/11/2024In time

Additional information

More information on the Portal of Aid

Management Information System Procedures

S.I.A. Code: 3115893
Support for the deployment of technology platforms and digital solutions in the locations of the network of Tourist Destinations Intelligent

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