The Major Project of Common European Interest on Microelectronics and communication technologies (I/TC) aims to promote the pan-european partnership in this area, bringing together industry actors throughout the entire value chain of semiconductors, from raw material until the end systems. In its application aimed, among other objectives, creating connectivity microelectronics and be at the forefront of the state of art of the world; promoting electronic systems and infrastructure of manufacture of large energy saving and resources; as well as promote european standards for data security and safety at all levels of the value chain of microelectronics, especially in the field of communications.
In this regard, this programme is aimed at granting seek competitive, not of spanish subsidies to organizations recognized in decision C (2023) final 50 of 8 june 2023, of the european commission as participants in theIPCEII/TC for the implementation of projects that make up the same.
Order ITU/1374/2023 of 22 december, which establishes the regulatory basis for granting aid to direct participants and partners in the Major Project of Common European Interest of Microelectronics and communication technologies (IPCEI ME/CT), and we shall now proceed to the early convening of the year 2024, to direct participants in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
Provision of additional documentation in proceedings since the Request
Models for the acceptance of aid
Model of acceptance of aid [DOCX] [50 KB]
Declaration of 13.3 bis [DOCX] [48 KB]
Models for authorization to win and transactions with related organizations:
Request operations linked [DOCX] [50 KB]
Subcontracting DOCX [request] [53 KB]
Statement responsible DNSH subcontractors [DOCX] [51 KB]
Models for the documentation to be presented to the request of assistance:
Online request IPCEI.docx [DOCX] [122 KB]
Model statement of the absence of conflict of interest [DOCX] [94 KB]
Report of the project [DOCX] [47 KB]
Page of budget and planning of proceedings [XLSX] [245 KB]
IMPORTANT: When filing the application, include those four documents completed in pdf format and signed by the legal representative of the entity.
Contact: Mailbox IPCEI-ME-TC officer:
Website: IPCEI-ME-TC aid
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