Detail of Electronic Procedures

Register which integrates information on industrial activity in Spain, for the fulfilment of the powers of supervision and control of public administrations in the field of industry.
Access Mode
Cl@ve Open access By file codeProcedure access
Management Centre
State Secretariat for Industry - E04934403
Directorate General
Overall Direccion industry and small and medium enterprises
Management unit
S. quality and Industrial Safety

Submission of applications

Term of the proceedings
Continuing, since 8/5/2020In time


Royal Decree 559/2010, on 7 may (BOE 22/05/2010)

by approving the regulations of the Industrial Integrated Registration

Access procedure


Only to Autonomous Communities

Access to the procedure with Cl@ve

Open access
By file codeProcedure access

Only to Autonomous Communities

Access to the code of procedure by file

Additional information

For questions of procedure may raise the question in the following link and choose as the theme for the same "" industrial integrated Registration:Access to web site of SGCI consultations

For technical problems may also contact the following address:

Access to the website Registration Industrial Integrated

Management Information System Procedures

S.I.A. Code: 202981
RII - Industrial Integrated Registration

Información sobre tratamientos de Datos de Carácter Personal

S.I.A. Code: 202981

Información básica de Protección de Datos

Responsable del Tratamiento - 1º Nivel
Secretaría de Estado de Industria
Finalidad del Tratamiento
Integrar informacion sobre actividad industrial en todo el territorio nacional, ofrecer informacion al publico general
Base Jurídica del Tratamiento
Ley 21/1992 de 16 de Julio de Industria.RD 559/2010 de 7 de mayo sobre RII.
Información adicional y derechos
Puede consultar información adicional y sobre el ejercicio de sus derechos en:

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