Guide of navigation

Browsers and Optimal resolution

The electronic site industry and tourism is optimized for a resolution of 1024x768 and display correctly in browsers:

  • Internet Explorer from your version 6
  • FireFox.
  • Opera
  • Safari
  • Konkeror
  • Google Chrome

Programmes and Extensions

During your navigation on the website of the electronic site of the ministry of industry and tourism, you can find files in formats that your browser will not be able to show for itself. Please find below A list of file formats and free software by which you can access the same, of course, if you have any implementation of payment compatible with these files will not be able to download.

Download Adobe Reader

Organization of the information

The page header

  • Logo: Will the homepage of the minister.
  • Site tools
  • Form

Top menu

  • Main options to the electronic site
  • Official time and date

Central content page

  • List of most used
  • Access to Subsidiary Offices of the ministry of industry and tourism
  • List of profits
  • Links

Second level menu

  • Box.
  • Access to the site of the ministry of industry and tourism


  • Contact the ministry of industry and tourism.
  • Certification of the level of accessibility of this website.
  • Site tools
  • Subscribe to RSS alerts on electronic procedures

How do i know where we are?

Once we get over the first level, Index, we have at our disposal a history of navigation, also called "contaminated breadcrumbs", which will give us an indication of where we are and will facilitate navigation by sites where we have gone. The required items indicate that they are quick links to be able to come back in our steps.

Requirements for submitting requests contained in the electronic register

In most of the procedures available in the electronic site you will need to use an electronic certificate issued and signed by a certification authority to identify which will submit requests, comunicacione, submissions or to consult their electronic notifications. You can also use electronic id, certificates of the National Currency Factory and Bell or any of the certificates issued by acertification servicesadmitted to the ministry of industry and tourism.

RSS subscription

The signing by RSS is intended to which a report with regard to update their contents.

To read and subscribe to these RSS, you can use a online reader (Bloglines,Google Reader) or if you have a higher version of Internet Explorer 7 or Firefox, Opera 9, you can do so from the browser itself.


To print the central area of content, in the menuFile, clickPrint. You can also do so by pressing the key combination Control + P